Free Download Lead2pass Cisco 600-501 Exam Dumps and Questions
Lead2pass takes in the latest 600-501 questions in the 600-501 exam materials so that our material should be always the latest and the most relevant. We know that Cisco 600-501 examination wouldn’t repeat the same set of questions all the time. Cisco certification examinations are stringent and focus is often kept on updated technology trends. The 600-501 exam questions organized by the professionals will help to condition your mind to promptly grasp what you could be facing in the Cisco 600-501 cert examination.
Which two impairments can IP SLA Video Operations measure? (Choose two.)
A. one-way average latency
B. mean opinion score
C. average jitter
D. round-trip average latency
E. video quality score
Answer: AC
Which Cisco onePK base service set applies to the application syslog processing capabilities?
A. Data Path
B. Policy
C. Routing
D. Element
E. Discovery
F. Utility
G. Developer
Answer: F
What are two technology requirements for evolving networks for intelligent SDN? (Choose two.)
A. network aware applications
B. application aware networks
C. configurable networks
D. managed networks
E. orchestrated networks
Answer: AE
What are three benefits for evolving networks for intelligent SDN? (Choose three.)
A. network resiliency
B. data path redundancy
C. service velocity and creation
D. enhance service feature sets
E. reduce life-cycle development
Answer: CDE
What are three benefits to applications that use Cisco onePK to extract information from network elements? (Choose three.)
A. improved analytics
B. application service level monitoring
C. simplified applications
D. enhanced customization
E. unified operational model
Answer: ABD
What are two specific tasks that are used to discover business requirements of a network aware application? (Choose two.)
A. network audit
B. mapping business objectives to functional requirements
C. current state operating costs
D. total addressable market calculation
E. budget allocations
Answer: BC
What are five Cisco onePK API service sets? (Choose five.)
A. Routing
B. Switching
C. Policy
D. Data Path
E. Session
F. Utility
G. Element
H. Designer
Answer: ACDFG
Which statement best defines the capabilities of a Cisco onePK application?
A. Cisco onePK allows an external application to access, extend, or customize the software capabilities of Cisco routers and switches via northbound APIs.
B. Cisco onePK allows an external application to access, extend, or customize the software capabilities of Cisco routers and switches via APIs.
C. Cisco onePK allows an internal application to access, extend, or customize the software and hardware capabilities of Cisco routers and switches via APIs.
D. Cisco onePK allows an external application to access the hardware capabilities of Cisco routers and switches via hardware APIs.
E. Cisco onePK allows an internal application to access the hardware capabilities of Cisco routers and switches via software APIs.
Answer: B
Which protocol can be used in an SDN model that has the control plane and the data plane separated?
A. OpenStack
B. OpenFlow
C. Network Function Virtualization
D. Virtual Network Communication Protocol
Answer: B
What are three valid application hosting options for Cisco onePK based applications? (Choose three.)
A. blade hosting
B. direct device access hosting
C. server hosting
D. process hosting
E. endpoint hosting
F. secured remote client access
Answer: ADE
You have chosen to host your Cisco onePK application in the Linux environment on the network element platform itself. Because the Cisco onePK application and the network services run in separate containers (isolated), which mechanism is used to facilitate the communication between the Cisco onePK application and the network services?
A. direct API access
B. Remote Method Invocation
D. random access queuing
E. intercontainer communication protocol
Answer: C
Lead2pass provides superior study guides so you can maximize your time while studying for the Cisco 600-501 exam instead of going through hours of studying via books and lecturers to then guess what questions may arise. We ensure that you are actually studying real questions and answers that were on either previous exams or ones that could possibly be on upcoming exams due to new releases or upgrades. With our unique Cisco 600-501 Certification study guides you can rest assured that you will increase your chances of passing the certification exam on your very first try.
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