Free Download Lead2pass Latest Cisco 600-211 Exam Dumps and Questions

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Which two Transport layer protocols are used by Diameter Base Protocol? (Choose two.)

A.    TCP
B.    UDP
C.    DCCP
D.    SSDP
E.    RSVP
F.    SCTP

Answer: AF

Which task facility in the Cisco ASR 5000 maintains Diameter connections?

A.    diamproxy
B.    diameter
C.    demuxmgr
D.    connproxy

Answer: A

Which query is used in Diameter peer discovery to obtain the IP address of the selected service in DNS?

B.    SRV
C.    AAAA

Answer: A

Which statement best describes the role the Cisco ASR 5000 serves when implemented as a MPLS-CE?

A.    The Cisco ASR 5000 maintains its own VRF routes and exchanges VPN route information via MP-eBGP
B.    The Cisco ASR 5000 acts as a ASBR and shares VPN route information via MP-iBGP with peers outside of its AS
C.    The Cisco ASR 5000 shares the same Autonomous System and is configured within the same MPLS core as its peers
D.    The Cisco ASR 5000 shares VPN routing information via MP-iBGP and is located within the same Autonomous System as its peers

Answer: A

Which interface is used to establish a Mobile IP tunnel between the PDSN/FA and HA?

A.    AAA interface
B.    PDN interface
C.    Pi interface
D.    R-P interface

Answer: C

Which configuration in an AAA group defines the attribute name by which the system will be identified in Access-Request messages from HA?

A.    radius attribute nas-identifier
B.    radius attribute authentication nas-port-type
C.    radius attribute authentication imsi
D.    radius dictionary 3gpp2

Answer: A

Refer to the exhibit. How would HA select a default server for accounting?


A.    Random, HA randomly picks up a server
B.    Round-robin, HA distribute messages across all servers
C.    Relative priority, HA selects the highest priority server
D.    First-in, HA select a set of servers with highest priority

Answer: C

Refer to the exhibit. How would you enable failure handling configuration in the credit control group on the Cisco ASR 5000?


A.    Configure diameter session failover
B.    Configure diameter dictionary dynamic-load
C.    Configure diameter peer-select peer <peer>
D.    Configure diameter result-code <result code>

Answer: A

What is the result of the “authentication mn-aaa renew-and-dereg-noauth” configuration command on the Cisco ASR 5000 HA?

A.    HA service will not perform authentication for mobile node re-registrations and de- registrations
B.    HA service will not perform authentication for initial registrations and re-registrations
C.    HA service will not perform authentication for mobile node re-registrations
D.    HA service will not perform authentication for any mobile node in spite of provided mn- aaa

Answer: A

Which configuration sequence in HA on the Cisco ASR 5000 is used to link the Diameter endpoint HA-Gy with the credit-control group HA-Gy and the Active Charging Service HA?

A.    configure
active-charging service HA
credit-control group HA-Gy
diameter origin endpoint HA-Gy
B.    configure
credit-control group HA-Gy
diameter origin endpoint HA-Gy
active-charging service HA
C.    configure
context HA
credit-control group HA-Gy
diameter origin endpoint HA-Gy
D.    configure
credit-control group HA-Gy
active-charging service HA
diameter origin endpoint HA-Gy

Answer: A

What is the default port used for in Mobile IP Registration messages between FA and HA?

A.    UDP port 434
B.    TCP port 3868
C.    TCP port 434
D.    UDP port 3868

Answer: A

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