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Lead2pass dumps for 210-451 exam are written to the highest standards of technical accuracy, provided by our certified subject matter experts and published authors for development. We guarantee the best quality and accuracy of our products. We hope you pass the exams successfully with our practice test. With our Cisco 210-451 dumps, you will pass your exam easily at the first attempt. You can also enjoy 365 days free update for your product.

Following questions and answers are all new published by Cisco Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/210-451.html

Which three options are considered Cloud deployment models? (Choose three.)

A.    Public Cloud
B.    Hybrid Cloud
C.    Open Cloud
D.    Private Cloud
E.    Stack Cloud
F.    Distributed Cloud

Answer: ABD

Company ABC hosts all their applications internally. During one day of the month, the demand for their applications far exceeds the capacity of their datacenter. Which Cloud model should Company ABC consider using?

A.    Community
B.    Private
C.    Hybrid
D.    Public

Answer: C

Which API structure does Cisco UCS Manager support?

A.    JSON
B.    XML
C.    RUBY
D.    PERL

Answer: B

Which API structure does Cisco UCS Manager support?

A.    JSON
B.    XML
C.    RUBY
D.    PERL

Answer: B

Which option is used to manage Multi-Domain Cisco UCS?

A.    Cisco UCS Manager
B.    Cisco UCS Central
C.    Cisco UCS B-Series
D.    Cisco UCS C-Series

Answer: B

Which administrative task is most disruptive to a Cisco UCS B-Series cluster?

A.    reboot of a Fabric Interconnect
B.    changing the switching mode of a Fabric Interconnect
C.    re-seating a server
D.    resetting an IOM

Answer: B

Which option contains server hardware identifiers, firmware, state, configuration, and connectivity characteristics?

A.    pools
B.    policies
C.    service profiles
D.    resource groups

Answer: C

What are the key features of UCS?

A.    10 Gigabit unified network fabric, virtualization optimization, unified management, service profiles, flexible IO options
B.    Gigabit network , virtualization optimization, unified management, service profiles, flexible IO options
C.    10 Gigabit unified network fabric, virtualization hardware, unified management, service profiles, performance IO options
D.    10 Gigabit unified network fabric, virtualization optimization, unified management, service profiles, performance IO options

Answer: A

Which option is the correct steps to regenerate a UCS B-Series SSL certificate?

A.    Open an SSH session to the CIMC IP
# scope security
# scope keyring default
# set regenerate yes
# commit-buffer
B.    Open an SSH session to the CIMC IP
# scope certificate
# set regenerate yes
# commit-buffer
C.    Open an SSH session to the CIMC IP
# scope security
# scope certificate
# set regenerate yes
# commit-buffer
D.    Using the UCSM GUI
Navigate to the Admin tab
Expand ALL > Key Management
Right-click Key Management and choose regenerate certificate Click OK

Answer: A

Which of the following most accurately describes the default role of Server Equipment Administrator in UCSM?

A.    Read and write access to physical server related operations. Read access to the rest of the system.
B.    Read and write access to logical and physical server related operations. Read and write access to the rest of the system.
C.    Read and write access to logical and physical server related operations. Read access to the rest of the system.
D.    Read and write access to physical server related operations. Read and write access to the rest of the system.

Answer: A

We offer standard exam questions of Cisco 210-451 dumps. The standard exams are important if you have never taken a real exam. The accuracy of the Q&As are fully guaranteed and the number is enough to impact you passing the exam.

210-451 new questions on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Syig5i8gpDMHZCc1N1TW1xUjg

2016 Cisco 210-451 exam dumps (All 64 Q&As) from Lead2pass:

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